BPS Building Observation Deck Reservation Information
The BPS Bldg. Observation Deck is on the “Penthouse Level” (7th floor) of the Biomedical-Physical Sciences Building on the Michigan State University campus (567 Wilson Road, East Lansing, MI). It provides
a very good view of the Lansing area, especially to the south and west of the building.
It is used several times a year for basic observational astronomy classes due to its
unobstructed view of a large part of the sky, as well as for certain functions of
the departments situated in the BPS Building.

Note that this area is outdoors and particularly exposed to the weather. It is at the south end of the building, so during large parts of the day, there is full exposure to sunlight and no provision for shaded areas. It is often very windy up on the top of the building, even when it is only mildy breezy at ground level, and there is no protection from rain, if any. There is limited space indoors on the same floor which may be used in case of inclement weather, but it is only a fraction of the size of the outdoor area, so it may be best to provide for other emergency siting for important functions.
This space may be reserved for special uses that will not disrupt normal operations. All university rules and regulations apply.
Reservations will be initiated through the Department of Physics & Astronomy. Allow ample time when making reservations, as requests must be approved by all of the BPS building departments.
The BPS Building is currently open Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. These times are subject to change. Special arrangements must be made (which may involve additional charges) for events outside regular business hours to allow for access to and from the building.
Charges associated with the use of the Observation Deck are as follows:
Group |
Cost |
University Unit | $50.00 |
Non-Profit | $100.00 |
For-Profit | $150.00 |
There is an additional $100 fee for setting up tabletops on the telescope mounts (as shown in the photo above) and providing chairs and/or other stand-alone tables.
IPF Event Services
All events must have an approved IPF Event(s) Request on file with Physics-Astronomy for Custodial Services prior to the event. It will be the responsibility of each department to submit the request and make sure the approved work order is on file with P-A before the start of your event.
Custodial Services
If the event is on a weekend you will also need to provide and pay for Custodial Service to clean restrooms and other rooms used by your event. We expect all caterers and event planners to clean up after the program/event is over. Arrangements should be made for additional trashcans and liners as necessary.
Alcohol Policy
Alcohol service is not permitted in academic buildings without prior written approval from the Secretary to the Board of Trustees as per:
MSU Ordinance 22.00
.02 The use or possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in classrooms, lecture halls, laboratories, the libraries, the chapel and within buildings or arenas where athletic events, lectures and concerts are held.
.03 The use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all public areas of campus buildings except with respect to events or occasions where such is approved or authorized by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, pursuant to express criteria which have been prepared by the Secretary and reviewed by the Office of the General Counsel.
Conduct Clause
The event planner(s) or their department will be responsible for the conduct and security of their guests, and will be held financially liable for damages caused to the facility or furnishings.
Observation Deck Contact
Jessica Dellinger
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Biomedical Physical Sciences Bldg.
567 Wilson Road, Room 4210
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 884-5519
BPS Observation Deck Reservation Request Form
The Department of Physics and Astronomy manages the use of the observation deck. To request the use of the observation deck please complete and submit the form below.
If you experience issues with the form, you may also download a fillable PDF version and email it to PA.DL.bps_obs_deck@msu.edu.
Before your request is approved by P-A, you must have an approved Event Request on file with IPF and forward the WO to PA.DL.bps_atrium@msu.edu. P-A does not submit Event Requests for other departments, but can help with outside groups looking to reserve the space.
Allow at least two weeks for your request to be approved please. Requests for use should not be made more than six months in advance.
Payment is due when your request is confirmed. For organizations with MSU accounts the account will be charged at that time. Organizations without an MSU account will need to provide a check at least 30 days prior to the event in order to guarantee the use of the space.
Student Organizations must be registered with and apply through Student Life.