- Measurement of atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters using convolutional neural networks with 9.3 years of data in IceCube DeepCore
IceCat-1: The IceCube Event Catalog of Alert Tracks, R. Abbasi et al 2023 ApJ956 20 - Search for Extended Sources of Neutrino Emission in the Galactic Plane with IceCube,R. Abbasi et al 2023 ApJ956 20
- Evidence for neutrino emission from the nearby active galaxy NGC 1068, Science 378, 6619, 538-543 (2022)
News and Activities
Recent Publications
Outside the Lab
- April 2024: The group show-cased a particle astrophysics booth at the STEM expo during the MSU Science Festival. The booth featured a cloud-chamber demo and event displays of various neutrino and gamma-ray experiments, and engaged visitors of all ages.
- April 2024: Dan Salazar defends his PhD thesis, "Leveraging Multi-messenger Astrophysics for Dark Matter Search". Dan joins the MSU group as a postdoc in Summer 2024.
- April 2024: Finn Mayhew, Jeanne Garriz and Jean Pierre present their work at the APS April Meeting in Sacramento, California
- November 2023: Jean Pierre presents his work on track reconstruction for P-ONE at the National Society of Black Physicists Conference in Knoxville, TN.
- October 2023: MSU hosts the binannual IceCube collaboration meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
January 26, 2024
Empowered by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant, the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University (MSU) is spearheading a multi-institutional project to construct a next-generation fast-neutron detector unlike any other in the world.