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Colloquium Schedule

Colloquia are presented at 3:30pm on Thursdays in room 1415 BPS

Refreshments in room 1400 BPS @ 3:00 pm

Date Speaker Speaker's Institution Title Speaker Schedule Local Host
September 5          
September 12 Violeta Lopez MSU/FRIB     Artemis Spyrou
September 19 John ZuHone Chandra X-ray Observatory/Smithsonian 25 Years of Science with the Chandra X-ray Observatory   Megan Donahue
September 26 Zhen Cao IHEP     Shuo Zhang
October 3 Tyler Cocker MSU Watching single atoms move with terahertz scanning probe microscopy    
October 10 Erica Caden SNOLAB SNOLab   Kendall Mahn
October 17 Kendall Mahn MSU You're sending particles across a country? The Tokai to Kamioka experiment    
October 24 Youssef Marzouk MIT     Witek Nazarewicz
October 31          
November 7 Joey Rodriguez (PRTC) MSU Identifying the Origin of Exoplanetary Diversity    
November 14          
November 20 - Wednesday - Joint with PA/FRIB at FRIB 4:10 pm David Reitze Caltech LIGO   Dean Lee
November 28 NO SEMINAR


December 5          

Map to the Biomedical & Physical Sciences Building

Building Accessibility Information

For travel arrangements, reimbursement questions or to make an appointment with the speaker please contact Brenda Wenzlick - (wenzlic3@msu.edu)

If you would like to attend lunch or dinner with the speaker, please contact the local host via email.

This page is maintained by: Brenda Wenzlick