Physics and Astronomy Student Machine Shop

[Photo Credit: Riley Duff]
Our shop maintains the student machine shop. This modern facility (for use by Physics/Astronomy Department affiliated persons) is a complete machine shop. The student machine shop is equipped with mills, lathes, saws, grinders and gas welding equipment as well as all the necessary hand tools and measurement equipment. The student machine shop is for individuals who wish to complete their own research or teaching projects or learn the basics of machine tool safety and operation.
For those students taking the “Introduction to the Student Shop” course, the handout is available HERE.
Safety Information
We take safety very seriously!
Machine Shop Safety Rules are available using this link.
Even smart people who know the rules can have momentary lapses of judgment, as the recent tragic accident at a Yale University machine shop makes clear. We don't want anything like this happening here at MSU!
How to Start Using the Student Machine Shop
Have you ever wondered how to use one of these or perhaps even wondered what one of
these things do?
A training course (free of charge) is offered twice per year and is required before permission is granted to use the student machine shop facilities. The course covers both the theory and "hands-on" learning of machine tool cutting operations such as milling, drilling, turning, surfacing, threading and sawing. In addition, the course covers many secondary operations such as gas welding/soldering. The course especially emphasizes machine shop safety. See your student representative to the shop committee for course offering times and dates.
Inside The Student Machine Shop
A view of the student machine shop looking north
Tools of the Trade
Machine Tools of the Student Machine Shop
Clausing Chuck Lathe (left) |
Two Variable-Speed Bridgeport Vertical Milling Machines |
Clausing Collette Lathe (left) |
Grinders and Sanders |