HEP Theory Group
This is the MSU High Energy Theory group homepage. Research in the group encompasses perturbative precision calculations, lattice QCD, beyond-the-standard-model scenarios, collider phenomenology, formal aspects of Quantum Field Theory, cosmology, and beam physics. Please see our QCD and beam theory pages for more information about our research.
The group has close interactions with the active Michigan State HEP experimental group. It also has strong participation in CTEQ - a national Collaboration of theorists and experimentalists. Interactions with our Department of Mathematics is supported through the joint Institute for Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.
Research Community:
- High Energy Physics seminars (joint Theory/Experiment) are held Tuesdays at 1:30pm in BPS 1400 during the academic year.
- High Energy Theory Journal Club talks are presented Thursdays at 12:00pm in BPS 3239.
- The Physics Department Colloquium is held Thursdays at 3:30pm in BPS 1415 during the academic year
Support: The activities of the MSU high-energy theory group in QCD and electroweak theory are supported by the US National Science Foundation, and those in Beam Physics are supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of High Energy Physics.