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Course Override Information


Academic Calendar

If requesting an override because of prerequisite courses taken at another institution:

Please note: We DO NOT offer enrollment limit overrides into any Physics or Astronomy course.


Graduate Course Request Override Process:

  1. Request permission from the instructor via email
  2. Forward the email permission to Jennifer Roberts, millarje@msu.edu, the Sunday before the start of the semester
  3. If there is space in the graduate course after enrolling graduate students, then you will be enrolled in the course.
  4. If requesting the graduate version of the capstone course, enroll in the undergrad capstone course and if there is space, Jennifer will swap it with the graduate version.
  5. If you need to be a full-time student, have a back up course.

Please Note: Overrides for graduate courses will be processed during the first week of classes.   


If you have any questions about the override process, contact:

Joyce Chechamma Samuel, LLMSW 
 Department of Physics and Astronomy Academic Advisor  
      Biomedical Physical Sciences Bldg. (BPS), Room 1312
      Drop-In Advising:  PA-Advising Page

      E-mail:   overrides@pa.msu.edu