Astronomy Graduate Courses
AST 800 - Research Methods
3 credits - Fall, Spring, Summer Semester
A student may earn a maximum of 12 credits in all enrollments for this course.
Apprenticeship in astrophysical research; student will work closely with individual
faculty member learning research techniques.
AST 802 - Techniques of Modern Astrophysics
3 Credits - Summer Semester
Description: Students are introduced to modern astrophysics through participation
in short projects involving literature surveys, professional planning, and research
in observational, theoretical, and computational astrophysics.
AST 805 - Research Project
3 credits - Fall, Spring, Summer Semester
A student may earn a maximum of 6 credits in all enrollments for this course.
Research project to be completed under the guidance of an astronomy faculty member.
AST 810 - Radiation Astrophysics
3 credits - Fall Semester of odd-numbered years
Transfer of radiation through plasmas and processes for emission and absorption of
photons. Interpretation of the spectra of stars, interstellar medium, and galaxies.
AST 825 - Galactic Astronomy
3 credits - Spring Semester of even-numbered years
The Milky Way as a galaxy. Observations and techniques of theoretical analysis that
are used to discover the features of our galaxy.
AST 835 - Extragalactic Astronomy
3 credits - Spring Semester of odd-numbered years
Galaxies beyond the Milky Way. Large-scale structure of the universe. Cosmology.
AST 840 - Stellar Astrophysics
3 credits - Spring Semester of even-numbered years
Physics of stellar interiors. Methods for calculating stellar models. Principles of
stellar evolution.
AST 850 - Electrodynamics of Plasmas
3 credits - Spring Semester of odd-numbered years
Interdepartmental with EE & AST. Administered by EE Dept.
Prerequisites: EE 835 or PHY 488
Plasma kinetic and macroscopic plasma transport theory. Electromagnetic wave propagation
and charged particle diffusion processes in plasma. Electromagnetic energy absorption
via elastic and inelastic collisions. DC, RF, and microwave discharges.
AST 860 - Gravitational Astrophysics & Cosmology
3 credits - Spring Semester
A student may earn a maximum of 6 credits in all enrollments for this course.
Topics in general relativity, gravitational astrophysics, and cosmology.
AST 899 - Master's Thesis Research
1 to 6 credits - Fall, Spring, Summer Semester
A student may earn a maximum of 36 credits in all enrollments for this course.
Master's thesis research.
AST 911 - Numerical Techniques in Astronomy
2 credits - Spring Semester of even-numbered years
Prerequisites: PHY 810 and PHY 820 or approval of department
Numerical solutions to key problems in astronomy and astrophysics. N-body gravitational
calculations, hydrodynamics in astronomy, radiative transfer, and techniques for large
data sets.
AST 912 - Observational Astronomy
2 Credits - Spring Semester of even-numbered years
Prerequisite: PHY 820 or approval of department
Restrictions: Open to graduate students in the Astrophysics and Astronomy major.
Description: Fundamentals of observational astronomy. Aspects of telescope and instrument
design, astronomical observations at visible and near-infrared wavelengths, X-ray
observations, and data analysis techniques.
AST 999 - Doctoral Dissertation Research
1 to 24 credits - Fall, Spring, Summer Semester
A student may earn a maximum of 120 credits in all enrollments for this course.
Doctoral dissertation research